Wednesday, January 30, 2008

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Ovis Molis

I have not yet removed from the pan and already I was fascinated.
I had only a vague memory of a semi-indigestion based on these delicious cookies to remember which one, curious, detail: it was made with boiled eggs.
And then, of course, that was very good.

Wandering for the net in search of recipes - if proven - of biscuits, tonight I came across this recipe site Gennarino who happens to own was based on hard-boiled egg yolks.

Anyway do not I have removed the dish that already I was in love again.
They're great, a soft texture that literally melts in your mouth.

It remains only the question of the origin of this funny name ...

Ingredients 150 gr.
100 grams of flour.
50 grams of butter. sugar 3 egg yolks

firm rind of half a lemon a pinch of salt

jam to taste (I used strawberry)

Mix ingredients as for the pastry.
If you want to speed things up, you can also put the ingredients in a food processor and work few minutes until a homogeneous ball.
Make the dough rest in refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

Prepare many small balls, press them lightly and make a dimple in the center by pressing lightly with a finger.
Place on a baking tray lined with baking paper and fill the pits with a touch of jam.
Bake about ten minutes at 180 degrees.
Remove from oven when they begin to color even if they are still soft.
Allow to cool (if you can:)


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