Sunday, January 20, 2008

Chest Infection How Many Days

Chili prawn bucatini

Ok I admit it, post and even a bit banal 'provincialotto ...
abroad but when I run into this kind of shelves, with dishes with names unlikely (tomato, provolone & mozzarella .. that plate will this ?!?!?!) I feel bad ...
And I wonder ..
but if a low cost airline
can take me to London with only 30 € (and, ok, 7 hours late of schedule, but the cost of low cost, as they say ) ...
because no one has ever managed to get there to do some small basic rule of good food that the English are so fond of?
type NO, pasta with ketchup and chili is NOT typical Italian pizza bolognese here we do not eat anybody, when the pasta is cooked drain it typically and do not allow to meditate in the pot for another 3 hours

ok, I told you. Post anything for young, open minded, cool
Chili prawn bucatini but no ... I can do ...


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