Yes, my new addiction, a few weeks now, is this ...
water, flour and yeast (e. .. Well, let's face it, even some small additional ingredients to suit your throat).
Obviously everything that has not happened by chance and, above all, without some intervention by the technology.
All started a couple of months ago, and at Christmas to be exact, when he made his entrance into the house her: bread machine!
Since then we say that it was all an experiment:
obviously the bread (and it was instantly decided that he would never set foot in a bakery) but also cakes (still being improved), pizza and - who would have thought - jam!
say that because his posts on this blog are a bit diminished. I was beyond the kitchen to experiment, so to speak.
However, after these first experiments, I can already post my favorite recipe. That
that will decide the end of professional bakers, as far as I'm concerned.
Here the place with a small twist: olives.
olive bread (MDP)
Ingredients 750 gr:
280 g of water at 45/50 ° C
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 2 teaspoons salt
500 g flour 00
2 packets of dry yeast powder
Program: rapid (and is one of the advantages of this recipe)
Crust: Dark
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