After being bathed in culture in the kitchen chemistry dell'inglesissimo Marks & Spencer (which let's face it, you do so the sofisticanti but you never returns back without a pack of Shortbread fingers ...) for lunch on the return I opted for a simple recipe and, above all, natural.
If you are one of those that "there is always some spice in the house", the recipe does not even need to go down to the grocery
Fusilli with five herbs

380 g fusilli
10 mint leaves
1 bunch parsley 1 bunch basil
8 sprigs thyme 6 sprigs
marjoram 1 clove garlic
100 g unsalted pistachio nuts (pine nuts are fine but, as an alternative)
40 grams of grated parmesan
4-5 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil salt
pepper Place in a mortar (or in the mixer, if like me you are always rushed) all the aromatic herbs, well washed, with a clove of garlic, shelled pistachios and a pinch of salt and pepper.
if you were using a mortar, add the oil line while continuing to work to crush the ingredients and chop them (as to make the pesto alla Genovese).
Using the mixer, you can instead put the oil from the start and grind the ingredients.
When the sauce is smooth and homogeneous, add the breadcrumbs and mix thoroughly.
When the fusilli is cooked, drain and toss with the sauce.
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