Monday, February 7, 2011

Can Oral Herpes Get Worse


How many books have you read in 2010? Approximately 10 ...
novels and how many were there no ? No Romance
The best book you read? The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupéry
The worst book? How can it be a bad book?
The oldest book? lyrics and fragments of Sappho, the first of 2010
The most recent book? I'm finishing the Sonnets of William Shakespeare
What is the book with the longest title? Lord of the Flies by William Golding is long enough?
one with the shortest title? Bacchae of Euripides
How many books have you read again? I have too many unread books to re-read!
And what would you read? Pleasure by Gabriele D'Annunzio
The most read books by the same author this year? William Shakespeare
many books written by Italian authors? even a year!
And how many of these books were taken to the library? For a super set like me, not even one. The book I have to choose and buy increasingly strict new!
Of those who had read books in e-book format? Viva paper! But the book also recycled paper for me! The e-book will never have the smell of new books!

Meme And now this short step to the next five bloggers: Sara
, Antonella, Elena, Maria Luisa, Ornella

I hope I have done everything right!


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