Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Laser Red Dot Bow Sight Review

Next meeting Monday, Oct. 5 meeting

Dear compaƱeros and

The GC of Trieste met on Monday afternoon, these 11 companies.
As you know we are already engaged in the preparation of our political intervention in the student demonstration on Friday, 9.

We have produced two leaflets. The first very simple
will be distributed around schools to attract students to the parade, with a plan already set in this manner leaflets:

Dante: Wednesday, Marilisa + + Andrea + Thomas Alen. total of 150 leaflets
Carducci branch: Thursday Giulia Anna + Elena + 200
Deledda: Thursday Pierre Simon + 100
Galilei: Thomas 50
Sandrinelli: to agree 150
Carli: Thursday Denny 150
In addition, the companion Denny covered the terminus of the 20 Muggia.

The second product is more political and leaflet will be distributed in the parade.
In a context of disillusionment with the defeat of the Wave last year, most students will be presented to the streets Friday, that segment will be politically more advanced students who still want to battle.
In this context, we believe it will be useful to try to politicize further students in the square by the use of a leaflet more discursive.
If the wave has stalled, it is not the fault of students who have demonstrated a tenacity rather unpredictable.
If the motion is lost because of those who have directed the movement, those bureaucracies of movement behind the slogan dell'apoliticismo have taken the lead in a movement aimed at impressing those anti-democratic struggles to the moderate nature have shown.

Far policy at school is critical now more than ever, and we need to make students more aware of the conditions to active politics. First
trying to develop an advanced platform that we will be able to defend in every school and university.
The leaflet we give a proposal and we will work platform posters, students of this city can defend it in their daily struggles.

The main purpose of this leaflet is just to start a serious reflection on what was the movement and what should be.
The lack of prospects lose confidence.
why we put a question: "What to do after October 9?"
We took to the streets as usual without a purpose, just to have? We Communists want
try to give perspective to students who are mobilized, before even these outposts fall into disillusionment.
We try to be that organization that it would first try to give a perspective of unity with the world of work, which because of the crisis is entering in turmoil for some months and is on the barricades (see INNSE or Lasme2). The fight
pay. This let us turn to speak.
The unit also.
alone can not do it. To lock the country we need the workers go on strike general.

For these needs, on the flyer advertised the meeting that we organized for Friday afternoon.
will be an important meeting where we will try to draw a line of intervention for the immediate future.
The meeting is organized in collaboration with the PRC Circle of Downtown and then there will be only students, but hopefully there are also workers.
We will do everything to invite a few fellow co-ordination of FIOM precarious and that the day will be on strike.
We wrote it on the flyer. We need to build committees or collective organization in general, know that in schools and universities coordinate the work of students and workers around a single platform of struggle.

We can not help but invite all classmates to participate and disseminate information to interested parties:

Friday, October 9th in Piazza Goldoni 9:30 procession student (we'll be there with a banner ..)

always v riday at 17:00 on a 3 Tarabochia (when Chapterhouse) meeting / debate to discuss the prospects for mobilization and struggle

Hoping to see many of you at both events
A Friday

Greetings Communists


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