Provincial Conference of Trieste: a good attendance and a good debate to revive the organization! No Tav
Friday, January 22 held its provincial conference of the Young Communists of Trieste, a path that will lead the organization to its fourth national conference of the February 19 to 20: this is an important way of discussions, which will allow GC out definitively by a crisis that began some time back and in effect their political battle. Despite the difficulties
national youth organization in recent months the party, in Trieste, it is not stuck, in fact. We wanted to have to take advantage of this opportunity to highlight how the activity had developed multi-pronged intervention, the fighting in defense of public education to the mobilizations in defense of the right to work. The Conference therefore assumed this meant to our organization: reclaim the job done, and be a starting point to officially relaunch the political intervention of the communists in our local context.
From this point of view we can be satisfied. Indeed
There was a discreet presence outside of the party invited for the occasion, and this one was especially good dozen comrades of the party. Everyone had expected an awareness by the rest of the party of the importance of integrating the GC general activity in the province, which must be translated into concrete initiatives together.
were then present 14 young comrades. The preparation for the conference has allowed us a high political debate, with 10 incidents in total. Each intervention was devoted to a theme (including gender issues, student movement, unity, federation and alliances, Tav, anti-fascism, intervention worker).
The debate has led to all the comrades present to stand up for the document 2 ("Fighting, Occupy, Resist"), which highlights the relationship of our actions: highlight the link between the clarity of communist ideas and putting into practice in the struggle. The conference
Gc of Trieste has been positive since then summarized the validity of organizing a debate attended.
Now it's up to us to put these ideas into practice on like this fellow!
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