Friday, April 30, 2010

Hot Cheetos Effect Fetus

First May 2010
All / in the square!

9:00 am-
Trieste Campo S. Giacomo
The Young Communist League of Trieste parade inside the piece of immigrants Comitato1Marzo

invite all / ia participate

remember then the usual festivities PRC and to Sottolongera Opicina

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bomb To Kill Lice In A House

Resistant Day - Saturday, April 24

The Young Communist League of Trieste have decided this year to organize a party / concert on the anniversary of the liberation from fascism.
Quet'anno more than ever, for us communists, April 25 must be not only an important day of commemoration, it must become the starting point of a long work of building a new Resistance against this undemocratic government, making a shield with the economic crisis, is gradually dismantled until today all the rights won for years and years of struggle. Beginning with the Constitution itself, created thanks to the sacrifice of thousands of young anti-fascists who have given their lives for our freedom. Today
fascism is no longer that of twenty years, and castor oil, but it is an evil that is dangerously reinsinuando in our society, already battered by years of Berlusconi and Lega. We
anti-fascism, even today, means the class struggle, the struggle of workers and their children against their masters and their thirst for profit fascist torturers.
Take back what is ours. Reclaim the streets, take back the schools and universities, factories ..... Reclaim Reclaim our future that are trying to destroy.
begin to do with this festival, but we will continue to do so with our struggle!
He loves music and denouncing fascism!
Death to fascism, freedom to the people!

Organize your anger, give strength to your struggle. Subscribe to GC

We invite everyone to our friends / ee friends to join and spread the invitation.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Pelican Foam Replacement Toronto

We are with Emergency! First meeting


Piazza Cavana, Trieste, April 17, 2010

From Saturday, April 10 there is no news on the status of the three operators of the Emergency hospital in Lashkar-gah taken in an operation led by the Afghan security services together with the ISAF-NATO forces. Matthew
Dell'Aira committed since 2000 with Emergency, Emergency Mark Garay working with since 1999 and Matteo Pagani is on his first mission in Afghanistan.
Our staff is accused of plotting to kill the governor of Helmand province, but neither the Afghan authorities or representatives of the international coalition we still have given an official explanation of the reasons for this withdrawal.
time limits for the detention of 72 hours, yet there is no news on the legal status of those arrested, or that have been given the rights for their protection, including the possibility of appointing a lawyer. From the moment of the Emergency
no longer able to resume the activities of the hospital.

Emergency is an independent, neutral and took no position in favor of any party to the conflict, and is present in Afghanistan since 1999 with three hospitals, a maternity center and a network of 28 first aid posts, assured free medical care and high quality over two and a half million Afghans. In only hospital in Lashkar-gah, almost seventy thousand Afghans have been treated by the association.

To encourage attention to the case and solidarity to our colleagues and association faced with accusations so absurd, Emergency appealed to be signed on its website: "I AM WITH EMERGENCY" .

To give more strength to this appeal, we ask all our supporters, sympathizers, to all Italians who care about the fate of our compatriots to participate in the garrison to be held in Rome Saturday, April 17 at 14.30, in piazza Navona.

Emergency Volunteers group of Trieste will attend a banquet information and fundraising, the same day in Piazza Cavana from 10 to 19. At the banquet you will receive information on projects of Emergency, on how to become volunteers and also you can subscribe to the call "I AM WITH EMERGENCY.